Sunday, September 4, 2011

36 weeks....oy!

So I'm less than 4 weeks from my due date, and it's starting to hit me BIG TIME. My patience is almost completely gone for some things, while others it's slowly dwindling. Little things that I could care less about are now turning into huge ordeals because it has to be the way I want it to be. I'm sure it doesn't help that Haydn has turned into a 3 year old know-it-all and constantly is battling everything. Danny is starting to really feed himself and is really stubborn and won't do something if he doesn't feel like it. It may be a rough next 6 months as I'm trying to get them through these stages, and will be adding on a newborn. I'm tired just thinking about it.

Work is going well. I've been testing children for the last week, with this next week I should hopefully get things finished up so we can get to meeting about the students and what needs to be done to help fill those skill gaps. I'd like to get things started so that I can have at least something planned out before Nolan decides to arrive. I've been having contractions on and off for about a week or just never know when things will happen. Things are noticed alot more with the fact that I'm chasing around 2 other children. If I can get things situated at work and at least get thing so that they are STARTED with the children, and list what my goals are...then hopefully whoever comes in will be able to continue on and work well with the teachers to fill those beginning skill gaps. This way when I come back I can see where the kids are and continue on.

Hubby should be home soon, I'm heading to bed so that I can try and get rest tonight. My little Danny was up the last 2 nights and ended up in bed with me (since Daddy was at work, working more OT yet again) The OT makes the paycheck look better, but doesn't really mean anything when you don't get the time with your family...